MVC Razor Semicolon showing up

If you get a pesky semicolon in your page when using MVC 3 with Razor, you probably did something like this:




See the semicolon? It’s fine to put it there, but of course Razor doesn’t see it as .net code, just more inline html.

This one is obvious once you notice it, but it took me a bit to figure out where it was coming from the first time i encountered it.


FireFox 4 is Slow

I don’t use firefox all that much but I do use it when i need to use one of the many plugins avaialble for it (my biggest beef with ie- make it pluggable already).

Popped it up the other day and what’s this, version 4 is out. Sounds great, let’s upgrade.

I have a really powerful laptop, and it is just amazing to me how incredibly slow firefox has become. Opening a new instance takes.. I don’t know, I usually forget I was opening it and go on to something else, only to be surprised when it suddenly appears.

What happened to the small nimble browswer that was kicking ms’s bootay years ago?

Can we go back to FF 1 or 2?